error -22 whilst initialising SD Card - New Raspberry Pi 4b 4GB (C0 stepping)

Craig Setera craigjunk at
Tue Sep 28 19:38:36 CEST 2021


I wasn't quite sure where to report this, so I figured I would start 
with the mailing list.  If there is another place I should go, please 
feel free to redirect me.

I'm a user if IPFire which uses u-boot.  I recently bought a new 
Raspberry Pi 4b 4gb device, but it fails to boot with a loop that says:

|invalid bus width error -22 whilst initialising SD Card |I originally opened up a bug report with the IPFire team (, but it now appears that this is a|but somewhere in u-boot. I downloaded an Ubuntu 20.04 image that 
behaves the same way. As I stated in the IPFire issue, I'm seeing this 
behavior on a Raspberry Pi, but not on an older device. I ran a number 
of tests:|

To validate that this is an issue with newer hardware, I was able to take advantage of another Pi 4 that is probably a year or so old in my Retropie setup.  I used that Pi and a Samsung 32G EVO SD card.  I tried the following combinations, all with a monitor and keyboard attached (and SERIAL set to off in uEnv.txt):

* RaspiOS - "old" Pi 4 - Works
* RaspiOS - "new" Pi 4 - Works
* IPFire - "old" Pi 4 - Works
* IPFire - "new" Pi 4 - Boot loops

As discussed in the forum thread, this looks suspiciously like an issue with U-Boot on newer Pi 4 hardware as discussed here:

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