Problem IMX8MN booting legacy kernel and mipi display

Michael Nazzareno Trimarchi michael at
Wed Feb 2 13:24:17 CET 2022

Hi all

I have now able to pack those combination and all of them look ok

- mainline uboot
- optee 3.15.0
- atf 2.5
- mainline kernel

- mainline uboot
- optee 3.15.0
- imx-atf rel_imx_5.4.70_2.3.2
- Linux rel_imx_5.4.70_2.3.2

I have a setup where I can test some peripherals. I can run an optee
test on both combinations
The big issue I have it's the DSIM display it's not working and
crashes the kernel using the rel_imx_5.4.70_2.3.2 nxp version. The
randomly deadlock the booting. If I don't register the mipi part it's
ok. Can someone have an idea?

All of them can be test using a buildroot setup


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