u-boot 2022.04 for MCIMX6S7 board (TS-7970)

DataSelfService Srl info at dataselfservice.com
Wed Jul 20 21:11:40 CEST 2022


while trying to port OEM u-boot (https://github.com/embeddedTS/u-boot) for
TS-7970 (https://www.embeddedts.com/products/TS-7970) to latest 2022.04, I
cannot get the init.S running.

Connecting GDB+JLink it appears at certain point the processor does not
0x17802200 <s_init>: push    {r3, lr}
properly and hang there. See attached gdb.txt: sp does not increments, not
`x/x $sp` shows any change in memory. Note: `mon memu32 0x93fe38=1` allows
you to write memory (and restore it: `mon memu32 0x93fe38=0`).

Also I traced all instructions executed by "orig" OEM delivered u-boot.imx
(based on v2015), and "new" one (attached). There is some diffs in IMX
ERRATAS (no impact: removing code from orig works fine); I noted new codes
`bl s_init` (from start.S) as `blx s_init`, while orig keeps the same. Not
sure why and what is the impact.

Any idea what the reason is and how to get this working?

-------------- next part --------------
Breakpoint 1, s_init () at arch/arm/mach-imx/mx6/soc.c:615
615		if (is_mx6sx() || is_mx6ul() || is_mx6ull() || is_mx6sll())
1: x/i $pc
=> 0x17802200 <s_init>:	push	{r3, lr}
Dump of assembler code for function s_init:
=> 0x17802200 <+0>:	push	{r3, lr}
   0x17802202 <+2>:	bl	0x17801e88 <get_cpu_rev>
   0x17802206 <+6>:	ubfx	r0, r0, #12, #9
   0x1780220a <+10>:	cmp	r0, #98	; 0x62
   0x1780220c <+12>:	beq.n	0x1780228e <s_init+142>
   0x1780220e <+14>:	bl	0x17801e88 <get_cpu_rev>
   0x17802212 <+18>:	ubfx	r0, r0, #12, #9
   0x17802216 <+22>:	cmp	r0, #100	; 0x64
   0x17802218 <+24>:	beq.n	0x1780228e <s_init+142>
   0x1780221a <+26>:	bl	0x17801e88 <get_cpu_rev>
   0x1780221e <+30>:	ubfx	r0, r0, #12, #9
   0x17802222 <+34>:	cmp	r0, #101	; 0x65
   0x17802224 <+36>:	beq.n	0x1780228e <s_init+142>
   0x17802226 <+38>:	bl	0x17801e88 <get_cpu_rev>
   0x1780222a <+42>:	ubfx	r0, r0, #12, #9
   0x1780222e <+46>:	cmp	r0, #107	; 0x6b
   0x17802230 <+48>:	beq.n	0x1780228e <s_init+142>
   0x17802232 <+50>:	bl	0x17801e88 <get_cpu_rev>
   0x17802236 <+54>:	ubfx	r0, r0, #12, #9
   0x1780223a <+58>:	cmp	r0, #103	; 0x67
   0x1780223c <+60>:	beq.n	0x1780228e <s_init+142>
   0x1780223e <+62>:	ldr	r3, [pc, #120]	; (0x178022b8 <s_init+184>)
   0x17802240 <+64>:	ldr	r2, [r3, #24]
   0x17802242 <+66>:	dmb	sy
   0x17802246 <+70>:	ubfx	r3, r2, #21, #2
   0x1780224a <+74>:	cmp	r3, #2
   0x1780224c <+76>:	ubfx	r2, r2, #18, #2
   0x17802250 <+80>:	beq.n	0x1780229a <s_init+154>
   0x17802252 <+82>:	cmp	r2, #2
   0x17802254 <+84>:	beq.n	0x178022a4 <s_init+164>
   0x17802256 <+86>:	cmp	r3, #1
   0x17802258 <+88>:	beq.n	0x17802296 <s_init+150>
   0x1780225a <+90>:	cmp	r2, #1
   0x1780225c <+92>:	beq.n	0x17802296 <s_init+150>
   0x1780225e <+94>:	cmp	r3, #3
   0x17802260 <+96>:	ldr	r3, [pc, #88]	; (0x178022bc <s_init+188>)
   0x17802262 <+98>:	beq.n	0x17802268 <s_init+104>
   0x17802264 <+100>:	cmp	r2, #3
   0x17802266 <+102>:	bne.n	0x178022b0 <s_init+176>
   0x17802268 <+104>:	dmb	sy
   0x1780226c <+108>:	mov.w	r1, #2155905152	; 0x80808080
   0x17802270 <+112>:	ldr	r2, [pc, #76]	; (0x178022c0 <s_init+192>)
   0x17802272 <+114>:	str.w	r1, [r2, #244]	; 0xf4
   0x17802276 <+118>:	dmb	sy
   0x1780227a <+122>:	str.w	r3, [r2, #260]	; 0x104
   0x1780227e <+126>:	dmb	sy
   0x17802282 <+130>:	str.w	r1, [r2, #248]	; 0xf8
   0x17802286 <+134>:	dmb	sy
   0x1780228a <+138>:	str.w	r3, [r2, #264]	; 0x108
   0x1780228e <+142>:	pop	{r3, pc}
   0x17802290 <+144>:	mov.w	r3, #2147516416	; 0x80008000
   0x17802294 <+148>:	b.n	0x17802264 <s_init+100>
   0x17802296 <+150>:	ldr	r3, [pc, #36]	; (0x178022bc <s_init+188>)
   0x17802298 <+152>:	b.n	0x17802268 <s_init+104>
   0x1780229a <+154>:	cmp	r2, #1
   0x1780229c <+156>:	bne.n	0x17802290 <s_init+144>
   0x1780229e <+158>:	mov.w	r3, #2147516416	; 0x80008000
   0x178022a2 <+162>:	b.n	0x17802268 <s_init+104>
   0x178022a4 <+164>:	cmp	r3, #1
   0x178022a6 <+166>:	beq.n	0x1780229e <s_init+158>
   0x178022a8 <+168>:	cmp	r3, #3
   0x178022aa <+170>:	beq.n	0x1780229e <s_init+158>
   0x178022ac <+172>:	mov.w	r3, #2147516416	; 0x80008000
   0x178022b0 <+176>:	orr.w	r3, r3, #8388608	; 0x800000
   0x178022b4 <+180>:	b.n	0x17802268 <s_init+104>
   0x178022b6 <+182>:	nop
   0x178022b8 <+184>:	andeq	r4, r12, #0
   0x178022bc <+188>:	andhi	r8, r0, r0, lsl #1
   0x178022c0 <+192>:	andeq	r8, r12, #0
End of assembler dump.
r0             0x93ff20            9699104
r1             0x412fc09a          1093648538
r2             0x2a                42
r3             0x2                 2
r4             0xa                 10
r5             0x17800320          394265376
r6             0x20d8000           34439168
r7             0x94                148
r8             0x0                 0
r9             0x93fe40            9698880
r10            0x0                 0
r11            0x0                 0
r12            0x0                 0
sp             0x93fe38            0x93fe38
lr             0x17800668          394266216
pc             0x17802200          0x17802200 <s_init>
cpsr           0x800001f3          2147484147
fpscr          0x6a0a4461          1779057761
r8_usr         0x0                 0
r9_usr         0x93fe40            9698880
r10_usr        0x0                 0
r11_usr        0x0                 0
r12_usr        0x0                 0
r13_usr        0x0                 0
r14_usr        0x0                 0
r8_fiq         0x0                 0
r9_fiq         0x0                 0
r10_fiq        0x0                 0
r11_fiq        0x0                 0
r12_fiq        0x0                 0
r13_fiq        0x0                 0
r14_fiq        0x0                 0
spsr_fiq       0x90090738          2416510776
r13_irq        0x0                 0
r14_irq        0x0                 0
spsr_irq       0x4030407           67306503
r13_svc        0x93fe38            9698872
r14_svc        0x17800668          394266216
spsr_svc       0x6a0a4461          1779057761
r13_abt        0x0                 0
r14_abt        0x0                 0
spsr_abt       0x40d003e           67960894
r13_und        0x0                 0
r14_und        0x0                 0
spsr_und       0xf45c8             1000904
#0  s_init () at arch/arm/mach-imx/mx6/soc.c:615
#1  0x17800668 in lowlevel_init () at arch/arm/cpu/armv7/lowlevel_init.S:67
#2  0x17800324 in save_boot_params_ret () at arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.S:124
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)

Breakpoint 1, s_init () at arch/arm/mach-imx/mx6/soc.c:615
615		if (is_mx6sx() || is_mx6ul() || is_mx6ull() || is_mx6sll())
1: x/i $pc
=> 0x17802200 <s_init>:	push	{r3, lr}
r0             0x93ff20            9699104
r1             0x412fc09a          1093648538
r2             0x2a                42
r3             0x2                 2
r4             0xa                 10
r5             0x17800320          394265376
r6             0x20d8000           34439168
r7             0x94                148
r8             0x0                 0
r9             0x93fe40            9698880
r10            0x0                 0
r11            0x0                 0
r12            0x0                 0
sp             0x93fe38            0x93fe38
lr             0x17800668          394266216
pc             0x17802200          0x17802200 <s_init>
cpsr           0x800001f3          2147484147
fpscr          0x6a0a4461          1779057761
r8_usr         0x0                 0
r9_usr         0x93fe40            9698880
r10_usr        0x0                 0
r11_usr        0x0                 0
r12_usr        0x0                 0
r13_usr        0x0                 0
r14_usr        0x0                 0
r8_fiq         0x0                 0
r9_fiq         0x0                 0
r10_fiq        0x0                 0
r11_fiq        0x0                 0
r12_fiq        0x0                 0
r13_fiq        0x0                 0
r14_fiq        0x0                 0
spsr_fiq       0x90090738          2416510776
r13_irq        0x0                 0
r14_irq        0x0                 0
spsr_irq       0x4030407           67306503
r13_svc        0x93fe38            9698872
r14_svc        0x17800668          394266216
spsr_svc       0x6a0a4461          1779057761
r13_abt        0x0                 0
r14_abt        0x0                 0
spsr_abt       0x40d003e           67960894
r13_und        0x0                 0
r14_und        0x0                 0
spsr_und       0xf45c8             1000904
#0  s_init () at arch/arm/mach-imx/mx6/soc.c:615
#1  0x17800668 in lowlevel_init () at arch/arm/cpu/armv7/lowlevel_init.S:67
#2  0x17800324 in save_boot_params_ret () at arch/arm/cpu/armv7/start.S:124
Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)
-------------- next part --------------
=> 0x17800000 <_start>:	b	0x178002e8 <reset>
=> 0x178002e8 <reset>:	b	0x17800338 <save_boot_params>
=> 0x17800338 <save_boot_params>:	b	0x178002ec <save_boot_params_ret>
=> 0x178002ec <save_boot_params_ret>:	mrs	r0, CPSR
=> 0x178002f0 <save_boot_params_ret+4>:	and	r1, r0, #31
=> 0x178002f4 <save_boot_params_ret+8>:	teq	r1, #26
=> 0x178002f8 <save_boot_params_ret+12>:	bicne	r0, r0, #31
=> 0x178002fc <save_boot_params_ret+16>:	orrne	r0, r0, #19
=> 0x17800300 <save_boot_params_ret+20>:	orr	r0, r0, #192	; 0xc0
=> 0x17800304 <save_boot_params_ret+24>:	msr	CPSR_fc, r0
=> 0x17800308 <save_boot_params_ret+28>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr1, cr0, {0}
=> 0x1780030c <save_boot_params_ret+32>:	bic	r0, r0, #8192	; 0x2000
=> 0x17800310 <save_boot_params_ret+36>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr1, cr0, {0}
=> 0x17800314 <save_boot_params_ret+40>:	ldr	r0, [pc, #132]	; 0x178003a0
=> 0x17800318 <save_boot_params_ret+44>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr12, cr0, {0}
=> 0x1780031c <save_boot_params_ret+48>:	bl	0x1780033c <cpu_init_cp15>
=> 0x1780033c <cpu_init_cp15>:	mov	r0, #0
=> 0x17800340 <cpu_init_cp15+4>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr8, cr7, {0}
=> 0x17800344 <cpu_init_cp15+8>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr7, cr5, {0}
=> 0x17800348 <cpu_init_cp15+12>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr7, cr5, {6}
=> 0x1780034c <cpu_init_cp15+16>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr7, cr10, {4}
=> 0x17800350 <cpu_init_cp15+20>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr7, cr5, {4}
=> 0x17800354 <cpu_init_cp15+24>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr1, cr0, {0}
=> 0x17800358 <cpu_init_cp15+28>:	bic	r0, r0, #8192	; 0x2000
=> 0x1780035c <cpu_init_cp15+32>:	bic	r0, r0, #7
=> 0x17800360 <cpu_init_cp15+36>:	orr	r0, r0, #2
=> 0x17800364 <cpu_init_cp15+40>:	orr	r0, r0, #2048	; 0x800
=> 0x17800368 <cpu_init_cp15+44>:	orr	r0, r0, #4096	; 0x1000
=> 0x1780036c <cpu_init_cp15+48>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr1, cr0, {0}
=> 0x17800370 <cpu_init_cp15+52>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x17800374 <cpu_init_cp15+56>:	orr	r0, r0, #64	; 0x40
=> 0x17800378 <cpu_init_cp15+60>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x1780037c <cpu_init_cp15+64>:	mov	r5, lr
=> 0x17800380 <cpu_init_cp15+68>:	mrc	15, 0, r1, cr0, cr0, {0}
=> 0x17800384 <cpu_init_cp15+72>:	lsr	r3, r1, #20
=> 0x17800388 <cpu_init_cp15+76>:	and	r3, r3, #15
=> 0x1780038c <cpu_init_cp15+80>:	and	r4, r1, #15
=> 0x17800390 <cpu_init_cp15+84>:	lsl	r2, r3, #4
=> 0x17800394 <cpu_init_cp15+88>:	orr	r2, r4, r2
=> 0x17800398 <cpu_init_cp15+92>:	mov	pc, r5
=> 0x17800320 <save_boot_params_ret+52>:	bl	0x1780039c <cpu_init_crit>
=> 0x1780039c <cpu_init_crit>:	b	0x1780064c <lowlevel_init>
=> 0x1780064c <lowlevel_init>:	ldr	sp, [pc, #24]	; 0x1780066c
=> 0x17800650 <lowlevel_init+4>:	bic	sp, sp, #7
=> 0x17800654 <lowlevel_init+8>:	sub	sp, sp, #224	; 0xe0
=> 0x17800658 <lowlevel_init+12>:	bic	sp, sp, #7
=> 0x1780065c <lowlevel_init+16>:	mov	r9, sp
=> 0x17800660 <lowlevel_init+20>:	push	{r12, lr}
=> 0x17800664 <lowlevel_init+24>:	blx	0x17802200 <s_init>
=> 0x17802200 <s_init>:	push	{r3, lr}
-------------- next part --------------
=> 0x17800000 <_start>:	b	0x178002e8 <reset>
=> 0x178002e8 <reset>:	b	0x17800338 <save_boot_params>
=> 0x17800338 <save_boot_params>:	b	0x178002ec <save_boot_params_ret>
=> 0x178002ec <save_boot_params_ret>:	mrs	r0, CPSR
=> 0x178002f0 <save_boot_params_ret+4>:	and	r1, r0, #31
=> 0x178002f4 <save_boot_params_ret+8>:	teq	r1, #26
=> 0x178002f8 <save_boot_params_ret+12>:	bicne	r0, r0, #31
=> 0x178002fc <save_boot_params_ret+16>:	orrne	r0, r0, #19
=> 0x17800300 <save_boot_params_ret+20>:	orr	r0, r0, #192	; 0xc0
=> 0x17800304 <save_boot_params_ret+24>:	msr	CPSR_fc, r0
=> 0x17800308 <save_boot_params_ret+28>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr1, cr0, {0}
=> 0x1780030c <save_boot_params_ret+32>:	bic	r0, r0, #8192	; 0x2000
=> 0x17800310 <save_boot_params_ret+36>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr1, cr0, {0}
=> 0x17800314 <save_boot_params_ret+40>:	ldr	r0, [pc, #180]	; 0x178003d0
=> 0x17800318 <save_boot_params_ret+44>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr12, cr0, {0}
=> 0x1780031c <save_boot_params_ret+48>:	bl	0x1780033c <cpu_init_cp15>
=> 0x1780033c <cpu_init_cp15>:	mov	r0, #0
=> 0x17800340 <cpu_init_cp15+4>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr8, cr7, {0}
=> 0x17800344 <cpu_init_cp15+8>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr7, cr5, {0}
=> 0x17800348 <cpu_init_cp15+12>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr7, cr5, {6}
=> 0x1780034c <cpu_init_cp15+16>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr7, cr10, {4}
=> 0x17800350 <cpu_init_cp15+20>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr7, cr5, {4}
=> 0x17800354 <cpu_init_cp15+24>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr1, cr0, {0}
=> 0x17800358 <cpu_init_cp15+28>:	bic	r0, r0, #8192	; 0x2000
=> 0x1780035c <cpu_init_cp15+32>:	bic	r0, r0, #7
=> 0x17800360 <cpu_init_cp15+36>:	orr	r0, r0, #2
=> 0x17800364 <cpu_init_cp15+40>:	orr	r0, r0, #2048	; 0x800
=> 0x17800368 <cpu_init_cp15+44>:	orr	r0, r0, #4096	; 0x1000
=> 0x1780036c <cpu_init_cp15+48>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr1, cr0, {0}
=> 0x17800370 <cpu_init_cp15+52>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x17800374 <cpu_init_cp15+56>:	orr	r0, r0, #16
=> 0x17800378 <cpu_init_cp15+60>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x1780037c <cpu_init_cp15+64>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x17800380 <cpu_init_cp15+68>:	orr	r0, r0, #64	; 0x40
=> 0x17800384 <cpu_init_cp15+72>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x17800388 <cpu_init_cp15+76>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x1780038c <cpu_init_cp15+80>:	orr	r0, r0, #2048	; 0x800
=> 0x17800390 <cpu_init_cp15+84>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x17800394 <cpu_init_cp15+88>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x17800398 <cpu_init_cp15+92>:	orr	r0, r0, #2097152	; 0x200000
=> 0x1780039c <cpu_init_cp15+96>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x178003a0 <cpu_init_cp15+100>:	mrc	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x178003a4 <cpu_init_cp15+104>:	orr	r0, r0, #4194304	; 0x400000
=> 0x178003a8 <cpu_init_cp15+108>:	mcr	15, 0, r0, cr15, cr0, {1}
=> 0x178003ac <cpu_init_cp15+112>:	mov	r5, lr
=> 0x178003b0 <cpu_init_cp15+116>:	mrc	15, 0, r1, cr0, cr0, {0}
=> 0x178003b4 <cpu_init_cp15+120>:	lsr	r3, r1, #20
=> 0x178003b8 <cpu_init_cp15+124>:	and	r3, r3, #15
=> 0x178003bc <cpu_init_cp15+128>:	and	r4, r1, #15
=> 0x178003c0 <cpu_init_cp15+132>:	lsl	r2, r3, #4
=> 0x178003c4 <cpu_init_cp15+136>:	orr	r2, r4, r2
=> 0x178003c8 <cpu_init_cp15+140>:	mov	pc, r5
=> 0x17800320 <save_boot_params_ret+52>:	bl	0x178003cc <cpu_init_crit>
=> 0x178003cc <cpu_init_crit>:	b	0x178003d4 <lowlevel_init>
=> 0x178003d4 <lowlevel_init>:	ldr	sp, [pc, #16]	; 0x178003ec
=> 0x178003d8 <lowlevel_init+4>:	bic	sp, sp, #7
=> 0x178003dc <lowlevel_init+8>:	mov	r9, #0
=> 0x178003e0 <lowlevel_init+12>:	push	{r12, lr}
=> 0x178003e4 <lowlevel_init+16>:	bl	0x17800a90 <s_init>
=> 0x17800a90 <s_init>:	push	{r3, lr}
=> 0x17800a94 <s_init+4>:	bl	0x17800700 <get_cpu_rev>
=> 0x17800700 <get_cpu_rev>:	ldr	r2, [pc, #92]	; 0x17800764 <get_cpu_rev+100>
=> 0x17800708 <get_cpu_rev+8>:	ubfx	r0, r3, #16, #8

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