How to retrieve cpu info from u-boot fucntion?

Sourabh Hegde Ramu hrsourabh1107 at
Wed Aug 28 16:22:00 CEST 2024


Is there any update on the below request? Are there any functions similar
to eth_get_ethaddr() to retrieve device-specific info? I am working with
raspberry pi 0 and there is no network interface card.
So, eth_get_ethaddr() returns null

Thanks in advance

On Wed, Jun 19, 2024 at 9:11 AM Sourabh Hegde Ramu <hrsourabh1107 at>

> Hello,
> Currently, I am using the MAC address from eth_get_ethaddr() function to
> calculate a hash value. But, I would like to replace this with a more
> unique device info such as cpuid or other values. But I could not find any
> function that can retrieve cpu info.
> Can anyone please point me in the correct direction? Do we have any
> functions for this? Are these things part of the documentation?
> Thanks in advance.
> Kind regards,
> Sourabh

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