My labgrid setup

Simon Glass sjg at
Fri Aug 30 03:06:53 CEST 2024

Hi Tom,

On Thu, 29 Aug 2024 at 13:30, Tom Rini <trini at> wrote:
> Hey all,
> So now that I've posted my u-boot-test-hooks for labgrid:
> the next relevant parts would be how I use that. There's three scripts,
> first of which is "" :
> ------------------------ >8 ------------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> set -e
> # Save output
> LOG=$HOME/logs/`git describe --abbrev=0`/`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H%M"`-hw.txt
> # Make a base directory
> B=`mktemp -d`
> chmod a+rwX ${B}
> cleanup() {
>         # Clean up random outputs
>         [ -d test/py/.pytest_cache ] && find -type d -name __pycache__ | xargs rm -r
>         sudo rm -rf ${B}
>         rm -rf test/py/.pytest_cache
> }
> # Cleanups
> trap cleanup INT
> trap cleanup ERR
> trap cleanup EXIT
> # Find our arguments
> while test $# -ne 0; do
>         if [ "$1" == "--no-32bit" ]; then
>                 NO32BIT="$1"
>                 shift
>         elif [ "$1" == "--no-64bit" ]; then
>                 NO64BIT="$1"
>                 shift
>         else
>                 echo "Unknown argument $1"
>                 exit 1
>         fi
> done
> # Run the build
> if [ -f .gitlab-ci.yml ]; then
>         IMG=`grep ci_runner_image: .azure-pipelines.yml | cut -d ' ' -f 4`
> else
>         IMG=`git grep ci_runner_image: origin/master -- .azure-pipelines.yml | cut -d ' ' -f 4`
> fi
> # Build all platforms
> touch $LOG && chmod a+rw $LOG
> sudo docker run  --rm -it --privileged \
>         -v /home/trini/bin:/home/uboot/bin \
>         -v /home/trini/u-boot:/home/uboot/u-boot \
>         -v /home/trini/logs:/home/uboot/logs \
>         -v ${B}:${B} \
>         -w /home/uboot/u-boot/u-boot \
>         -e PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/home/uboot/u-boot/u-boot-test-hooks/bin \
>         $IMG \
>         /home/uboot/bin/ ${B} $NO32BIT $NO64BIT --log $LOG
> # Test all targets
> /home/trini/bin/ $B $NO32BIT $NO64BIT --log $LOG
> less $LOG
> ------------------------ >8 ------------------------
> Which is still a little debug-y, but is basically just build everything
> I want in the same container as CI, and then run pytest outside of that
> container. Could I do it inside the container? Maybe. This has grown
> from when I used to build everything on the host and used "flashair" SD
> cards to update my hardware. With labgrid everything might be abstracted
> enough that yes, really, I can stop doing that. I'll likely look in to
> that next just to clean things up more.
> Second is "" as invoked above:
> ------------------------ >8 ------------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> # Build everything we are going to test.
> set -e
> # Let git stop being mad about permissions.
> git config --global --add /home/uboot/u-boot/u-boot
> buildaboard() {
>         # Board is first, all fragments follow.
>         BRD=$1
>         shift 1
>         # Second would be to use clang
>         if [ "$1" == "--clang" ]; then
>                 echo "Building $BRD with clang" | tee -a $LOG
>                 OBJ=${B}/${BRD}_clang
>                 export HOSTCC=clang-16
>                 export CC=clang-16
>                 shift 1
>         else
>                 echo "Building $BRD" | tee -a $LOG
>                 OBJ=${B}/${BRD}
>         fi
>         # All that remains are fragments.
>         FRAGS=$@
>         make O=${OBJ} ${BRD}_defconfig -s 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
>         pushd ${OBJ} >/dev/null
>         [ ! -z "${FRAGS}" ] && ${S}/scripts/kconfig/ ${S}/configs/${BRD}_defconfig ${FRAGS} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
>         make -sj$(nproc) 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG
>         popd >/dev/null
> }
> # Prepare virtualenv
> if [ -f test/py/requirements.txt ]; then
>         virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 /tmp/venv
>         . /tmp/venv/bin/activate
>         pip install --quiet -r test/py/requirements.txt
>         pip install --quiet -r doc/sphinx/requirements.txt
>         [ -f tools/buildman/requirements.txt ] && pip install --quiet -r tools/buildman/requirements.txt
> fi
> # Find our arguments
> while test $# -ne 0; do
>         if [ "$1" == "--no-32bit" ]; then
>                 NO32BIT="true"
>                 shift
>         elif [ "$1" == "--no-64bit" ]; then
>                 NO64BIT="true"
>                 shift
>         elif [ "$1" == "--log" ]; then
>                 LOG=${2/trini/uboot}
>                 shift 2
>         else
>                 B=$1
>                 shift
>         fi
> done
> if [ -z "$LOG" ]; then
>         echo "Must pass --log /path/to/log/file"
>         exit 1
> fi
> S=`pwd`
> # Common to all newer TI platforms
> export BINMAN_INDIRS=/home/uboot/u-boot/ti-linux-firmware
> # Prepare defconfigs with addons
> echo 'CONFIG_UNIT_TEST=y' > ${B}/unittest.config
> echo 'CONFIG_CMD_BOOTMENU=y' > ${B}/general.config
> echo 'CONFIG_CMD_LOG=y' >> ${B}/general.config
> echo '# CONFIG_CMD_BOOTEFI_SELFTEST is not set' > ${B}/noefist.config
> echo 'CONFIG_CMD_BOOTEFI_HELLO=y' > ${B}/bootefi.config
> echo 'CONFIG_CMD_BOOTEFI_SELFTEST=y' >> ${B}/bootefi.config
> echo 'CONFIG_IPV6=y' > ${B}/net.config
> echo 'CONFIG_IPV6_ROUTER_DISCOVERY=y' >> ${B}/net.config
> echo 'CONFIG_CMD_TFTPPUT=y' >> ${B}/net.config
> echo 'CONFIG_FIT=y' >> ${B}/net.config
> echo 'CONFIG_FIT_SIGNATURE=y' >> ${B}/net.config
> echo '# CONFIG_AUTOBOOT_KEYED is not set' > ${B}/noautobootkeyed.config
> echo 'CONFIG_BOOTSTAGE_STASH_ADDR=0x02400000' > ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
> echo 'CONFIG_BOOTSTAGE=y' >> ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
> echo 'CONFIG_BOOTSTAGE_STASH=y' >> ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
> echo 'CONFIG_CMD_BOOTSTAGE=y' >> ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
> ## ARM
> if [ -d /opt/gcc-13.2.0-nolibc/arm-linux-gnueabi ]; then
>         export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-13.2.0-nolibc/arm-linux-gnueabi/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-
> else
>         echo "Toolchain missing for ARM"
>         exit 1
> fi
> if [ -z "$NO32BIT" ]; then
>         # Raspberry Pi boards
>         buildaboard rpi_4_32b ${B}/bootefi.config ${B}/net.config ${B}/general.config ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
>         buildaboard rpi_4_32b --clang ${B}/bootefi.config ${B}/net.config ${B}/general.config ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
> fi
> if [ -z "$NO64BIT" ]; then
>         ## Build r5 cores for the TI platforms that need both
>         ## Need to backport the kernel fix for cpp with clang and passing the right
>         ## flags.  Then need to figure out pip / venv.
>         buildaboard am64x_evm_r5
>         buildaboard am62x_evm_r5
>         buildaboard am62x_beagleplay_r5
> fi
> ## AARCH64
> if [ -d /opt/gcc-13.2.0-nolibc/aarch64-linux ]; then
>         export CROSS_COMPILE=/opt/gcc-13.2.0-nolibc/aarch64-linux/bin/aarch64-linux-
> else
>         echo "Toolchain missing for ARM64"
>         exit 1
> fi
> if [ -z "$NO64BIT" ]; then
>         # Raspberry Pi platforms
>         buildaboard rpi_4 ${B}/bootefi.config ${B}/net.config ${B}/general.config ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
>         buildaboard rpi_4 --clang ${B}/bootefi.config ${B}/net.config ${B}/general.config ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
>         buildaboard rpi_arm64 ${B}/bootefi.config ${B}/net.config ${B}/general.config ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
>         buildaboard rpi_arm64 --clang ${B}/bootefi.config ${B}/net.config ${B}/general.config ${B}/bootstage-pi.config
>         ## These TI platforms require an R5 core and then Axx core
>         ## Need to backport the kernel fix for cpp with clang and passing the right
>         ## flags.
>         export BL31=/home/uboot/u-boot/external-binaries/am64x-u-boot-binaries/bl31.bin
>         export TEE=/home/uboot/u-boot/external-binaries/am64x-u-boot-binaries/tee-raw.bin
>         buildaboard am64x_evm_a53 ${B}/noefist.config ${B}/net.config ${B}/general.config
>         # The AM62x platforms share BL31/TEE.
>         export BL31=/home/uboot/u-boot/external-binaries/am62x-u-boot-binaries/bl31.bin
>         export TEE=/home/uboot/u-boot/external-binaries/am62x-u-boot-binaries/tee-raw.bin
>         buildaboard am62x_evm_a53 ${B}/noefist.config ${B}/net.config ${B}/general.config
>         buildaboard am62x_beagleplay_a53 ${B}/noautobootkeyed.config ${B}/noefist.config ${B}/net.config
> fi
> echo "Building complete on `git rev-parse --short HEAD`"
> ------------------------ >8 ------------------------
> Which is a little debug-y but more so comments to self. I setup the
> additional changes to a platform that I want to test with, and then
> build them. For required additional binaries I point them at known good
> copies so I don't have to worry if a failure is because of U-Boot or
> some other project.
> Finally we have "" which is where pytest
> is actually run.
> ------------------------ >8 ------------------------
> #!/bin/bash
> set -e
> # Find our arguments
> while test $# -ne 0; do
>         if [ "$1" == "--no-32bit" ]; then
>                 NO32BIT="true"
>                 shift
>         elif [ "$1" == "--no-64bit" ]; then
>                 NO64BIT="true"
>                 shift
>         elif [ "$1" == "--log" ]; then
>                 LOG=$2
>                 shift 2
>         else
>                 B=$1
>                 shift
>         fi
> done
> if [ -z "$LOG" ]; then
>         echo "Must pass --log /path/to/log/file"
>         exit 1
> fi
> # Env
> export PATH=${PATH}:/home/trini/u-boot/u-boot-test-hooks/bin:/sbin
> export PYTHONPATH=/home/trini/u-boot/u-boot-test-hooks/py/lootbox:${PYTHONPATH}
> # Setup Labgrid variables and use the special virtualenv for now
> export LG_ENV=/home/trini/u-boot/lg_env.yaml
> export LG_CROSSBAR=ws://lootbox.k.g:20408/ws
> export PATH=$PATH:/home/trini/u-boot-test-hooks/bin
> source /home/trini/labgrid-venv/bin/activate
> runtestpy() {
>         BT=$1
>         shift 1
>         if [ "$1" == "--clang" ]; then
>                 echo "Testing $BT built with clang"
>                 shift 1
>                 BD=${B}/${BT}
>                 RD=${B}/${BT}_clang_results
>                 PD=${B}/${BT}_clang_persistent_data
>         else
>                 echo "Testing $BT"
>                 BD=${B}/${BT}
>                 RD=${B}/${BT}_results
>                 PD=${B}/${BT}_persistent_data
>         fi
>         # If we need special pytest arguments do that here.
>         while getopts "sk:" options; do
>                 case $options in
>                         k)
>                                 PA="-k $2"
>                                 shift 2
>                                 ;;
>                 esac
>         done
>         labgrid-client -c $LG_ENV -p $LG_PLACE release >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
>         labgrid-client -c $LG_ENV -p $LG_PLACE acquire
>         ./test/py/ -ra --bd $BT --build-dir $BD --result-dir $RD \
>                 --persistent-data-dir $PD --exitfirst $PA >> $LOG 2>&1
>         labgrid-client -c $LG_ENV -p $LG_PLACE release
> }
> if [ -z "$NO64BIT" ]; then
>         export LG_PLACE=rpi4
>         runtestpy rpi_4
>         runtestpy rpi_arm64
>         runtestpy rpi_4 --clang
>         runtestpy rpi_arm64 --clang
>         export LG_PLACE=am64-sk
>         runtestpy am64x_evm_a53
>         export LG_PLACE=am62-sk
>         runtestpy am62x_evm_a53
>         export LG_PLACE=beagleplay
>         runtestpy am62x_beagleplay_a53
> fi
> if [ -z "$NO32BIT" ]; then
>         export LG_PLACE=rpi4
>         runtestpy rpi_4_32b
>         runtestpy rpi_4_32b --clang
> fi
> echo "Tests complete on `git rev-parse --short HEAD`"
> ------------------------ >8 ------------------------
> I will say, if there's one thing I don't quite like with how my
> integrations with labgrid work right now it's that acquire/release is
> done the way it is. This is where I think Simon's adding another hook is
> the right direction, if there's not some other hook that can be used and
> I'm just missing.

Thanks for posting this. I know you had described it but this makes a
lot of things clearer.

So basically you have set up builds for the different boards and use
the hook scripts to write them and do the actual power/reset/console

How do you handle interactive build/run, e.g. to run U-Boot on a
particular board quickly? Also how would gitlab work?

Re acquire/release, I added a -a option to auto-acquire the place and
release it afterwards. But if the console dies then so does Labgrid so
it doesn't release reliably...something to worry about when more
progress is made.


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