What is the proper way to sign fit images using binman/mkimage for verified boot

Alexander Kochetkov al.kochet at gmail.com
Sat Aug 31 14:06:33 CEST 2024


I used to sign images for verified boot for u-boot v2020.04 for allwinner A64-based board. It was simple.
I’ve just added signature nodes for atf, u-boot, dtb, configurations to the generated by mksunxi_fit_atf.sh
its file and mkimage signed the fit image.

Now I trying to do the same for u-boot v2024.07. I work with Radxa Model 3a. It’s fit image is generated
using binman. It’s bimnan configuration is located in the file arch/arm/dts/rockchip-u-boot.dtsi.

I have 3 ideas about how to get the job done:
- improve binman, to support signing fit images during fit image generation. Sort of implementing
  image-signature etype
- fix mkimage to allow signing generated by binman images. Now I getting error, then I try to do that
- may be I do the job in a wrong way? Could you please direct me in a correct way?

First I think, that I have to add signature entries to binman configuration. So, I added following:

&binman {
    simple-bin {
        fit: fit {
            images {
                @atf-SEQ {
                     signature {
                         algo = "sha256,rsa2048»;
                         key-name-hint = "uboot-spl»;
                         sign-images = "atf-SEQ»;

This signature entry was copied to resulted fit image without processing. No signature was generated.
SEQ was not replaced to 1:

atf-1 {
    hash {
        value = <0xb5946ac6 0x3df8fb35 0x69407a75 0xcf2f6aa3 0x96551ba0 0x11e1a84b 0xec654dc9 0x982ba063>;
        algo = "sha256»;

    signature {
        algo = "sha256,rsa2048»;
        key-name-hint = "uboot-spl»;
        sign-images = "atf-SEQ»;

So, obviously binman is not support this way of signing images. If this way looks reasonable, I can try to implement
it and send patches to u-boot. I played with binman etypes, tryied to add custom 'image-signature' etype. Looks like I
can complete such work.

Second solution looks for me as follows. We need run mkimage to sign generated by binman fit image.
Some sort of running mkimage like this:

./tools/mkimage -k /media/yocto/build-yocto/…. -F ./u-boot.itb

Now I getting error then I run mkimage:
Can't add verification data for node 'atf-1' (<unknown error>)

If that solution is reasonable, I can fix <unknown error> and send patches.

Third thought, may be there is another proper way to sign fit image for verified boot?
Could you please provide an idea how to do that.


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