[PATCH v4 0/6] rpi5: initial support

Stefan Wahren wahrenst at gmx.net
Fri Jan 19 10:20:19 CET 2024


Am 19.01.24 um 08:21 schrieb Jens Maus:
> Hi,
>> Am 19.01.2024 um 06:29 schrieb Ivan T. Ivanov <iivanov at suse.de>:
>> On 01-18 18:18, Jens Maus wrote:
>>>> I am afraid you will have to connect that UART debug cable and share
>>>> what is the memory map on your device :-)
>>> No problem.
>> Thanks, but could you apply attached patch and send me
>> the logs when there is HDMI monitor connected to the board
>> and one when cable is unplugged.
> I applied that patch, but unfortunately no U-Boot specific output on the special debug UART of the rpi5 at all. As I have shown in my earlier email, the output ends with the „NOTICE: BL31…“ messages and there is no single line coming from U-boot at all. Also tried to add „#define DEBUG“ to the fdtdec.c file and added CONFIG_LOG=y as well as raising the maximum debug level to 9 to the U-boot build. This for some reason this does not end up in any additional U-boot debug line output on the RPi debug probe connected to the special UART of the rpi5. I even tried to connect the debug probe to the UART pins of the GPIO but also there no U-Boot debug output at all, I am afraid.
i don't know the reason for this issue, but here are some thoughts:

According to this issue [1] the 4 GB and the 8 GB variant uses
completely different RAM ICs. Not sure this is relevant here or a red
herring, because i would assume the VideoCore firmware would care about

Another idea could be to dump the runtime DT of both variants via sysfs
(using official RPi OS) and compare them with each other. In the past
there was a lot DT firmware hackery for the Raspberry Pi 4.


[1] - https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/1854
> So where should that U-Boot debug output actually appear with your u-boot.bin patched version?
> Best Regards,
> jens

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