Missing eth1addr for Banana Pi BPI-R3

Leith Bade leith at bade.nz
Fri Jul 5 03:05:31 CEST 2024


I have been investigating how to stop the MAC addresses on my Banana
Pi BPI-R3 from changing on every boot.

It appears the ethaddr and eth1addr environment variables are used for
this purpose as they are randomly generated on first boot, then become
fixed after being saved to the environment storage.

However on my BPI-R3 I only see ethaddr which corresponds to the
MT7530 switch device. There is no eth1addr for the other Ethernet
device which is the SFP port. Thus Linux keeps generating a new MAC
address for the SFP port.

How do I get U-boot to generate eth1addr and assign a permanent MAC
address to the SFP port?

Leith Bade
leith at bade.nz

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