How would I do signature verification of standalone binary?
Simon Glass
sjg at
Fri Jan 10 14:38:44 CET 2025
Hi Fabian,
On Thu, 5 Dec 2024 at 06:09, Koch, Fabian <Fabian.Koch at> wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have a SoC which does secure boot in a multi staged process.
> (ROM loads a signed SPL to an aux core, which loads another signed SPL to main core, which loads a signed u-boot.img)
> But the thing I want u-boot to load, verify signature and then run/boot is a standalone binary app, not a Linux Kernel.
> (It does work fine when I load that and run it with the "go" command, but no signature verification is done as of now)
> All the research I did pointed towards using signed FIT images and then "bootm" to do the verification and loading.
> But I cannot get "bootm" to load a FIT containing only my raw binary standalone app.
> Is that road a dead-end and I need to do something completely else?
> I would love to stay as close to vanilla u-boot (or at least the SDK vanilla version) and not implement a fully custom signature verification.
> Any pointers would be highly appreciated.
So long as you put your image in a configuration, it can be verified.
The question is whether you can load it.
bootm assumes it is booting an OS. It does not support
IH_TYPE_FIRMWARE as a type. You could write a new command to handle
that, perhaps. SPL does support loading firmware, but you are running
U-Boot proper so that isn't very useful.
For your command, you could call fit_config_verify() to verify the
config, then fit_image_load() to load the image you want.
> kind regards
> Fabian
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