[PATCH RFC 3/6] tools: binman: ftest: fix tests that require non-faked ext blobs

Yannic Moog y.moog at phytec.de
Wed Jan 29 11:29:48 CET 2025

By default, external blobs are faked. Some tests care only about more
basic functionality. In those cases no external blobs should be faked.
That would trigger a different (binman) case which is not in scope for
those particular tests.
Thus, disable faked blobs for those test cases.

Signed-off-by: Yannic Moog <y.moog at phytec.de>
 tools/binman/ftest.py | 18 +++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/binman/ftest.py b/tools/binman/ftest.py
index 82f839e33b0..66d1cc240d0 100644
--- a/tools/binman/ftest.py
+++ b/tools/binman/ftest.py
@@ -5188,13 +5188,15 @@ fdt         fdtmap                Extract the devicetree blob from the fdtmap
     def testExtblobList(self):
         """Test an image with an external blob list"""
-        data = self._DoReadFile('215_blob_ext_list.dts')
-        self.assertEqual(REFCODE_DATA + FSP_M_DATA, data)
+        data = self._DoReadFileDtb('215_blob_ext_list.dts',
+                                   allow_fake_blobs=False)
+        self.assertEqual(REFCODE_DATA + FSP_M_DATA, data[0])
     def testExtblobListMissing(self):
         """Test an image with a missing external blob"""
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as e:
-            self._DoReadFile('216_blob_ext_list_missing.dts')
+            self._DoReadFileDtb('216_blob_ext_list_missing.dts',
+                                allow_fake_blobs=False)
         self.assertIn("Filename 'missing-file' not found in input path",
@@ -5202,7 +5204,7 @@ fdt         fdtmap                Extract the devicetree blob from the fdtmap
         """Test an image with an missing external blob that is allowed"""
         with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr):
-                             allow_missing=True)
+                             allow_missing=True, allow_fake_blobs=False)
         err = stderr.getvalue()
         self.assertRegex(err, "Image 'image'.*missing.*: blob-ext")
@@ -5739,10 +5741,10 @@ fdt         fdtmap                Extract the devicetree blob from the fdtmap
     def testFitSplitElfMissing(self):
-        """Test an split-elf FIT with a missing ELF file"""
+        """Test an split-elf FIT with a missing ELF file. Don't fake the file."""
         if not elf.ELF_TOOLS:
             self.skipTest('Python elftools not available')
-        out, err = self.checkFitSplitElf(allow_missing=True)
+        out, err = self.checkFitSplitElf(allow_missing=True, allow_fake_blobs=False)
             "Image '.*' is missing external blobs and is non-functional: .*")
@@ -6506,7 +6508,9 @@ fdt         fdtmap                Extract the devicetree blob from the fdtmap
     def testExtblobOptional(self):
         """Test an image with an external blob that is optional"""
         with test_util.capture_sys_output() as (stdout, stderr):
-            data = self._DoReadFile('266_blob_ext_opt.dts')
+            data = self._DoReadFileDtb('266_blob_ext_opt.dts',
+                                       allow_fake_blobs=False)[0]
         self.assertEqual(REFCODE_DATA, data)
         err = stderr.getvalue()


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