[ELDK] Starting an application at boot time using different tty<x>

Orditz, Jonathan Jonathan.Orditz at selectron.ch
Mon Nov 30 13:21:53 CET 2009


I have two questions concerning:
1. Starting a script at boot time
2. Displaying system messages on tty<x> and the output of my applications on tty<z>

1. Starting a script at boot time

I have to start two applications (a microbrowser and a webserver) at boot time. I wrote a script called start.sh which call these two executables. I added this script at the end of inittab: "::once:/start.sh". The two applications started but I noticed a drop in the performances compared to starting the applications manually. Do you know why ? Are any priorities set low when starting from inittab ? Is "inittab" the right place to start my "start.sh" script or is there a standard place to start it from ?

2. Displaying system message on tty<x> and output of my applications on tty<z>

When I start my system a microbrowser directly writes into the framebuffer and displays my html pages. But the system also writes to this framebuffer (for example when connecting an USB stick, or when the reboot of the system is done, or when an error occured, etc...). But I do not want the user to see the linux system messages. So I would like to separate the output of my applications and the system messages. But how do I tell the system to put its messages to tty1 and not tty0 ? How can I switch automatically between the tty0 view and the tty1 view ? (I have no ALT + F1 keys on my embedded hardware, so I must find another way to switch).

Many thanks for your help !

Best regards,
Jonathan Orditz

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