[ELDK] RFSB Issues

Jonathan Haws Jonathan.Haws at sdl.usu.edu
Thu Sep 10 17:49:05 CEST 2009


> > Next, the "could not resolve 'libXXXXX.so.1'" warnings - those
> > libraries exist in eldk/ppc_4xx/usr/local/xenomai, but not in
> > eldk/ppc_4xx/lib.  Shouldn't the Makefile know where the Xenomai
> > libraries are?  What is the correct way to specify that?  Should I
> > just make a symlink to them in lib?  That seems like a kludge to
> me.
> Well the Makefile currently does not know about /usr/local/xenomai.
> You
> can try the attached patch.

I tried the patch, but it failed to apply with patch -p1 -i <patch>.  Since it was a simple change, I just made the change by hand and it seemed to work.  However, one thing I did notice, is that the Xenomai libraries are in /usr/local/xenomai/lib, but the patch had /usr/local/xenomai.

Thanks again.


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