[ELDK] ELDK issue with Valgrind
Eric Millbrandt
emillbrandt at dekaresearch.com
Tue Jun 15 22:35:04 CEST 2010
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Berger [mailto:robert.karl.berger at gmail.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 2010 16:25
> To: Eric Millbrandt
> Cc: 'Detlev Zundel'; eldk at lists.denx.de
> Subject: Re: ELDK issue with Valgrind
> Eric,
> >
> > When I wrote the email I had forgotten that I had added glibc to my
> local copy of the eldk. I attached a patch that will add glibc to the
> ELDK (my mailer mangles patches). Details about how to add packages to
> the ELDK can be found in the user manual here,
> http://www.denx.de/wiki/view/DULG/ELDKRebuilding.
> >
> > Eric
> Does this mean that you rebuilt the ELDK from scratch to cook the glibc
> with a specific build host as described here:
> http://www.denx.de/wiki/DULG/AN2009_02_EldkReleaseBuildEnvironment?
That is essentially correct, but I already had a machine that was close enough to the requirements needed to build the ELDK from scratch. So I did not have to use an emulated environment.
> Regards,
> Robert
> --
> Robert Berger
> Embedded Software Specialist
> Reliable Embedded Systems
> Consulting Training Engineering
> Tel.: (+30) 697 593 3428
> Fax.:(+30) 210 684 7881
> URL: http://www.reliableembeddedsystems.com
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> ~
> --
> ..."Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and
> I'm not sure about the former." - Albert Einstein
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