[U-Boot-Users] 8260 flash programming with BDI2000

Marius Groeger mag at sysgo.de
Fri Jan 31 09:17:03 CET 2003

On Thu, 30 Jan 2003, Donald White wrote:

> BDI>erase 0xfe000000 <step> <count>    ;what is step?
> BDI>prog 0 u-boot.srec SREC            ;assuming u-boot is based at 0xfe000000

Assuming your flash parameters are set up correctly (CHIPTYPE,
CHIPSIZE, BUSWIDTH), you can just do an "erase 0xfe000000". (I never
used any parameters for the erase command, but I assume the manual you
received with the BDI2000 firmware software has some notes on it. :-)


Marius Groeger           SYSGO Real-Time Solutions AG       mgroeger at sysgo.de
Software Engineering     Embedded and Real-Time Software    www.sysgo.de
Voice: +49-6136-9948-0   Am Pfaffenstein 14                 www.osek.de
FAX:   +49-6136-9948-10  55270 Klein-Winternheim, Germany   www.elinos.com

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