[U-Boot-Users] [Newbie help] Motorola Board with GT64260
Wolfgang Denk
wd at denx.de
Sun May 2 12:45:28 CEST 2004
In message <Pine.LNX.4.58.0405031301060.654 at corpster2> you wrote:
> I'd really like an overview what I would need to port U-Boot to the
> Motorola MVME5500.
See section "U-Boot Porting Guide" in the README.
> I've seen in the source, that there's support for an evaluation board
> featuring this controller - EVB64260. The CPU seems to be supported as
> well by the 74xx_7xx, as far as I can see.
> But I do need some starting points of how to know which code to adapt,
> how to rewire the existing code, which data to supply to make it
> correspond to my setup.
Well, even if you cannot implement the function no_more_time() the
rest of the "U-Boot Porting Guide" still applies. Follow it step by
BTW: MCC Systems sells a "Linux SDK" which includes a port of U-Boot
to the MVME5500 board (see http://www.mccengineering.com/linuxsdks.htm)
Maybe we should start a "black list" of companies who don't give
their patches back to the public source tree.
Best regards,
Wolfgang Denk
Software Engineering: Embedded and Realtime Systems, Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-4596-87 Fax: (+49)-8142-4596-88 Email: wd at denx.de
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