[U-Boot-Users] error while loading image with fatload.

Wolfgang Denk wd at denx.de
Thu Feb 10 20:17:34 CET 2005

In message <eae046ff05021008561c64efed at mail.gmail.com> you wrote:
> We are using u-boot-1.1.1, and trying to load the uImage from the FAT partition,

Did you try a more recent version of U-Boot?

> curclust: 0xfff0004
> Invalid FAT entry
> Size: 806240, got: 16384
> We are able to list the contents using the fatls command, 
> what could be the reason for the above error..?

Ummm - maybe an invalid FAT entry?

Are you absolutely sure your  FAT  filesytem  does  not  contain  any
inconsistencies? Can you read the file under an OS?

Best regards,

Wolfgang Denk

Software Engineering:  Embedded and Realtime Systems,  Embedded Linux
Phone: (+49)-8142-66989-10 Fax: (+49)-8142-66989-80 Email: wd at denx.de
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