[U-Boot-Users] Wind River SBC8560 saga continues

Andy Fleming afleming at gmail.com
Fri May 4 23:27:30 CEST 2007

On 5/4/07, Mark Pilant <Mark.Pilant at mintera.com> wrote:
>     while (cp->cpcr & CPM_CR_FLG)  /* wait if cp is busy */
> It is this second "while" that is "hanging".  The generated code for
> the while is:
>     lis     R9,0xff79
> x:  lwz     R0,0x19c0(R9)
>     andis.  R11,r0,0x1
>     bne     x
> R9 correctly contains the CPM base, and the offset 0x19c0 is correct
> for the CPCR.  So it would appear the code should be picking up the
> contents of location 0xff7919c0.  Here is where the fun begins.  The
> value retrieved by the code (into R0) is 0x00810000 but the value
> retrieved by the visionCLICK dm command is 00800000.  (This is also
> the value displayed by the CPCR field of the "COMM" register list.

Very strange.  Have you double-checked the LAWs to make sure the CCSR
space is properly configured?  And checked CCSRBAR to make sure that
it's still *at* 0xff700000?

Also, is it possible the difference is due to a time delay between the
CPU reading the memory and visionCLICK reading it?


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