[U-Boot] [RFC] powerpc/lib: unsafe register handling in wait_ticks

Mats Kärrman Mats.Karrman at tritech.se
Thu Jan 24 16:25:35 CET 2013


If watchdog is enabled, the arch/powerpc/lib/ticks.S::wait_ticks() function
calls the function specified by the WATCHDOG_RESET macro.
The wait_ticks function depends on the registers r0, r6 and r7 being
preserved however that is not guaranteed if the reset function is a
C function.

The following patch changes to using r14+r15 instead of r6+r7 and
saves all necessary registers on the stack.

As I'm quite fresh to PowerPC assembly language I would appreciate
any feedback on the implementation.

On a side note, one could wonder why this function is not written in
C language to start with.

Best regards,
Mats Kärrman

--- a/arch/powerpc/lib/ticks.S
+++ b/arch/powerpc/lib/ticks.S
@@ -50,19 +50,24 @@ wait_ticks:
 	stwu	r1, -16(r1)
 	mflr	r0		/* save link register */
 	stw	r0, 20(r1)	/* Use r0 or GDB will be unhappy */
-	mr	r7, r3		/* save tick count */
+	stw	r14, 12(r1)	/* save used registers */
+	stw	r15, 8(r1)
+	mr	r14, r3		/* save tick count */
 	bl	get_ticks	/* Get start time */
 	/* Calculate end time */
-	addc    r7, r4, r7	/* Compute end time lower */
-	addze	r6, r3		/*     and end time upper */
+	addc    r14, r4, r14	/* Compute end time lower */
+	addze	r15, r3		/*     and end time upper */
 	WATCHDOG_RESET		/* Trigger watchdog, if needed */
 1:	bl	get_ticks	/* Get current time */
-	subfc	r4, r4, r7	/* Subtract current time from end time */
-	subfe.	r3, r3, r6
+	subfc	r4, r4, r14	/* Subtract current time from end time */
+	subfe.	r3, r3, r15
 	bge	1b		/* Loop until time expired */
-	mtlr	r0		/* restore link register */
+	lwz     r15, 8(r1)	/* restore saved registers */
+	lwz     r14, 12(r1)
+	lwz     r0, 20(r1)
 	addi	r1,r1,16
+	mtlr	r0

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