[U-Boot] [PATCH v6 09/15] tools: add genboardscfg.py

Masahiro Yamada yamada.m at jp.panasonic.com
Sun Jul 27 10:33:53 CEST 2014

Now the primary data for each board is in Kconfig, defconfig and

It is true boards.cfg is needed for MAKEALL and buildman and might be
useful to brouse all the supported boards in a single database.
But it would be painful to maintain the boards.cfg in sync.

So, this is the solution.
Add a tool to generate the equivalent boards.cfg file based on
the latest Kconfig, defconfig and MAINTAINERS.

We can keep all the functions of MAKEALL and buildman with it.

The best thing would be to change MAKEALL and buildman for not
depending on boards.cfg in the future, but it would take some time.

Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <yamada.m at jp.panasonic.com>
Acked-by: Simon Glass <sjg at chromium.org>

Changes in v6:
  - Fix comment format of arguments
      foo: blah blah
    rather than
      foo - blah blah
  - Use tag, rest instead of line[:2], line[2:] for clarification
  - Sort imports alphabetically
  - Insert a blank before each function
  - Fix some comments
  - Use tempfile.mkdtemp() to create working directories

Changes in v5:
  - Support wildcard pattern like 'F:  configs/foo_*_defconfig'
  - Rename genboardscfg to genboardscfg.py
  - Use assert statement for sanity check
  - Do not run if imported from another script
    if __name__ == '__main__':
  - Check if we are at the top of source directory

Changes in v4:
  - Newly added

Changes in v3: None
Changes in v2: None

 tools/genboardscfg.py | 450 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 450 insertions(+)
 create mode 100755 tools/genboardscfg.py

diff --git a/tools/genboardscfg.py b/tools/genboardscfg.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bbe7070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/genboardscfg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,450 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Author: Masahiro Yamada <yamada.m at jp.panasonic.com>
+# SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+
+Converter from Kconfig and MAINTAINERS to boards.cfg
+Run 'tools/genboardscfg.py' to create boards.cfg file.
+Run 'tools/genboardscfg.py -h' for available options.
+import errno
+import fnmatch
+import glob
+import optparse
+import os
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import time
+BOARD_FILE = 'boards.cfg'
+CONFIG_DIR = 'configs'
+REFORMAT_CMD = [os.path.join('tools', 'reformat.py'),
+                '-i', '-d', '-', '-s', '8']
+# List of boards
+#   Automatically generated by %s: don't edit
+# Status, Arch, CPU(:SPLCPU), SoC, Vendor, Board, Target, Options, Maintainers
+''' % __file__
+### helper functions ###
+def get_terminal_columns():
+    '''Get the width of the terminal
+    Return 0 if the stdout is not associated with tty.
+    '''
+    try:
+        return shutil.get_terminal_size().columns # Python 3.3~
+    except:
+        import fcntl
+        import termios
+        import struct
+        arg = struct.pack('hhhh', 0, 0, 0, 0)
+        try:
+            ret = fcntl.ioctl(sys.stdout.fileno(), termios.TIOCGWINSZ, arg)
+        except IOError as exception:
+            if exception.errno != errno.ENOTTY:
+                raise
+            # If 'Inappropriate ioctl for device' error occurs,
+            # stdout is probably redirected. Return 0.
+            return 0
+        return struct.unpack('hhhh', ret)[1]
+def get_devnull():
+    '''Get the file object of '/dev/null' device'''
+    try:
+        DEVNULL = subprocess.DEVNULL # py3k
+    except:
+        DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
+    return DEVNULL
+def check_top_directory():
+    '''Exit if we are not at the top of source directory'''
+    for f in ('README', 'Licenses'):
+        if not os.path.exists(f):
+            print >> sys.stderr, 'Please run at the top of source directory.'
+            sys.exit(1)
+### classes ###
+class MaintainersDatabase:
+    '''The database of board status and maintainers'''
+    def __init__(self):
+        '''Create an empty database'''
+        self.database = {}
+    def get_status(self, target):
+        '''Return the status of the given board
+        The status is either 'Active' or 'Orphan'.
+        '''
+        tmp = self.database[target][0]
+        if tmp.startswith('Maintained'):
+            return 'Active'
+        elif tmp.startswith('Orphan'):
+            return 'Orphan'
+        else:
+            print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: %s: unknown status' % tmp
+    def get_maintainers(self, target):
+        '''Return the maintainers of the given board
+        If the board has two or more maintainers, they are separated with
+        colons.
+        '''
+        return ':'.join(self.database[target][1])
+    def parse_file(self, file):
+        '''Parse the given MAINTAINERS file and add board status and
+        maintainers information to the database
+        Arguments:
+          file: MAINTAINERS file to be parsed
+        '''
+        targets = []
+        maintainers = []
+        status = '-'
+        for line in open(file):
+            tag, rest = line[:2], line[2:]
+            if tag == 'M:':
+                maintainers.append(rest.strip())
+            elif tag == 'F:':
+                # expand wildcard and filter by 'configs/*_defconfig'
+                for f in glob.glob(rest.strip()):
+                    front, match, rear = f.partition('configs/')
+                    if not front and match:
+                        front, match, rear = rear.rpartition('_defconfig')
+                        if match and not rear:
+                            targets.append(front)
+            elif tag == 'S:':
+                status = rest.strip()
+            elif line == '\n' and targets:
+                for target in targets:
+                    self.database[target] = (status, maintainers)
+                targets = []
+                maintainers = []
+                status = '-'
+        if targets:
+            for target in targets:
+                self.database[target] = (status, maintainers)
+class DotConfigParser:
+    '''A parser of .config file
+    Each line of the boards.cfg has the form of:
+    Status, Arch, CPU, SoC, Vendor, Board, Target, Options, Maintainers
+    Most of them are extracted from .config file.
+    MAINTAINERS files are also consulted for Status and Maintainers fields.
+    '''
+    re_arch = re.compile(r'CONFIG_SYS_ARCH="(.*)"')
+    re_cpu = re.compile(r'CONFIG_SYS_CPU="(.*)"')
+    re_soc = re.compile(r'CONFIG_SYS_SOC="(.*)"')
+    re_vendor = re.compile(r'CONFIG_SYS_VENDOR="(.*)"')
+    re_board = re.compile(r'CONFIG_SYS_BOARD="(.*)"')
+    re_config = re.compile(r'CONFIG_SYS_CONFIG_NAME="(.*)"')
+    re_options = re.compile(r'CONFIG_SYS_EXTRA_OPTIONS="(.*)"')
+    re_list = (('arch', re_arch), ('cpu', re_cpu), ('soc', re_soc),
+               ('vendor', re_vendor), ('board', re_board),
+               ('config', re_config), ('options', re_options))
+    must_fields = ('arch', 'config')
+    def __init__(self, build_dir, output, maintainers_database):
+        '''Create a new .config perser
+        Arguments:
+          build_dir: Build directory where .config is located
+          output: File object which the result is written to
+          maintainers_database: An instance of class MaintainersDatabase
+        '''
+        self.dotconfig = os.path.join(build_dir, '.config')
+        self.output = output
+        self.database = maintainers_database
+    def parse(self, defconfig):
+        '''Parse .config file and output one-line database for the given board
+        Arguments:
+          defconfig: Board (defconfig) name
+        '''
+        fields = {}
+        for line in open(self.dotconfig):
+            if not line.startswith('CONFIG_SYS_'):
+                continue
+            for (key, pattern) in self.re_list:
+                m = pattern.match(line)
+                if m and m.group(1):
+                    fields[key] = m.group(1)
+                    break
+        for field in self.must_fields:
+            # sanity check of '.config' file
+            if not field in fields:
+                print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: %s is not defined in %s' % \
+                                                            (field, defconfig)
+                sys.exit(1)
+        # fix-up for aarch64 and tegra
+        if fields['arch'] == 'arm' and 'cpu' in fields:
+            if fields['cpu'] == 'armv8':
+                fields['arch'] = 'aarch64'
+            if 'soc' in fields and re.match('tegra[0-9]*$', fields['soc']):
+                fields['cpu'] += ':arm720t'
+        target, match, rear = defconfig.partition('_defconfig')
+        assert match and not rear, \
+                                '%s : invalid defconfig file name' % defconfig
+        fields['status'] = self.database.get_status(target)
+        fields['maintainers'] = self.database.get_maintainers(target)
+        if 'options' in fields:
+            options = fields['config'] + ':' \
+                                        + fields['options'].replace(r'\"', '"')
+        elif fields['config'] != target:
+            options = fields['config']
+        else:
+            options = '-'
+        self.output.write((' '.join(['%s'] * 9) + '\n')  %
+                          (fields['status'],
+                           fields['arch'],
+                           fields.get('cpu', '-'),
+                           fields.get('soc', '-'),
+                           fields.get('vendor', '-'),
+                           fields.get('board', '-'),
+                           target,
+                           options,
+                           fields['maintainers']))
+class Slot:
+    '''A slot to store a subprocess
+    Each instance of this class handles one subprocess.
+    This class is useful to control multiple processes of
+    "make <board>_defconfig" for faster processing.
+    Private members:
+      occupied: Show if this slot is ocuppied or not.
+                A new subprocess can be set if this flag is False.
+      build_dir: Working directory of this slot
+      parser: An instance of class DotConfigParser
+    '''
+    DEVNULL = get_devnull()
+    def __init__(self, output, maintainers_database):
+        '''Create a new slot
+        Arguments:
+          output: File object which the result is written to
+          maintainers_database: An instance of class MaintainersDatabase
+        '''
+        self.occupied = False
+        self.build_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+        self.parser = DotConfigParser(self.build_dir, output,
+                                                          maintainers_database)
+    def __del__(self):
+        '''Delete the working directory'''
+        shutil.rmtree(self.build_dir)
+    def add(self, defconfig):
+        '''Add a new subprocess to the slot
+        Fails if the slot is occupied (= current subprocess is still running)
+        Arguments:
+          defconfig: Board (defconfig) name
+        Returns:
+          Return True on success or False on fail
+        '''
+        if self.occupied:
+            return False
+        o = 'O=' + self.build_dir
+        self.ps = subprocess.Popen(['make', o, defconfig], stdout=self.DEVNULL)
+        self.defconfig = defconfig
+        self.occupied = True
+        return True
+    def poll(self):
+        '''Check if the subprocess is running or not and
+        invoke the .config parser if the subprocess is terminated
+        Returns:
+          Return True if the subprocess is terminated, False otherwise
+        '''
+        if not self.occupied:
+            return True
+        if self.ps.poll() == None:
+            return False
+        self.parser.parse(self.defconfig)
+        self.occupied = False
+        return True
+class Slots:
+    '''Controller of the array of subprocess slots
+    Private members:
+      slots: A list of instances of class Slot
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, jobs, output, maintainers_database):
+        '''Create a new slots controller
+        Arguments:
+          jobs: A number of slots to instantiate
+          output: File object which the result is written to
+          maintainers_database: An instance of class MaintainersDatabase
+        '''
+        self.slots = []
+        for i in range(jobs):
+            self.slots.append(Slot(output, maintainers_database))
+    def add(self, defconfig):
+        '''Add a new subprocess if a vacant slot is available
+        Arguments:
+          defconfig: Board (defconfig) name
+        Returns:
+          Return True on success or False on fail
+        '''
+        for slot in self.slots:
+            if slot.add(defconfig):
+                return True
+        return False
+    def available(self):
+        '''Check if there is a vacant slot
+        Returns:
+          Return True if a vacant slot is found, False if all slots are full
+        '''
+        for slot in self.slots:
+            if slot.poll():
+                return True
+        return False
+    def empty(self):
+        '''Check if all slots are vacant
+        Returns:
+          Return True if all slots are vacant, False if at least one slot
+          is running
+        '''
+        ret = True
+        for slot in self.slots:
+            if not slot.poll():
+                ret = False
+        return ret
+class Indicator:
+    '''A class to control the progress indicator
+    Private members:
+      total: A number of boards to be processed
+      cur: The current counter
+      width: The width of the prograss bar
+      enabled: Show the progress bar only when this flag is True
+    '''
+    def __init__(self, total):
+        '''Create an instance
+        Arguments:
+          total: A number of boards
+        '''
+        self.total = total
+        self.cur = 0
+        width = get_terminal_columns() - 15
+        if width > 0:
+            self.enabled = True
+        else:
+            self.enabled = False
+        self.width = min(width, 70)
+    def inc(self):
+        '''Increment the counter and show the progress bar'''
+        if not self.enabled:
+            return
+        self.cur += 1
+        arrow_len = self.width * self.cur // self.total
+        msg = '%4d/%d [' % (self.cur, self.total)
+        msg += '=' * arrow_len + '>' + ' ' * (self.width - arrow_len) + ']'
+        sys.stdout.write('\r' + msg)
+        sys.stdout.flush()
+def gen_boards_cfg(jobs):
+    '''Generate boards.cfg file
+    Arguments:
+      jobs: The number of jobs to run simultaneously
+    '''
+    check_top_directory()
+    print 'Generating %s ...  (jobs: %d)' % (BOARD_FILE, jobs)
+    # All the defconfig files to be processed
+    defconfigs = []
+    for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(CONFIG_DIR):
+        dirpath = dirpath[len(CONFIG_DIR) + 1:]
+        for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*_defconfig'):
+            defconfigs.append(os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
+    # Parse all the MAINTAINERS files
+    maintainers_database = MaintainersDatabase()
+    for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk('.'):
+        if 'MAINTAINERS' in filenames:
+            maintainers_database.parse_file(os.path.join(dirpath,
+                                                         'MAINTAINERS'))
+    # Output lines should be piped into the reformat tool
+    reformat_process = subprocess.Popen(REFORMAT_CMD, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
+                                        stdout=open(BOARD_FILE, 'w'))
+    pipe = reformat_process.stdin
+    pipe.write(COMMENT_BLOCK)
+    indicator = Indicator(len(defconfigs))
+    slots = Slots(jobs, pipe, maintainers_database)
+    # Main loop to process defconfig files:
+    #  Add a new subprocess into a vacant slot.
+    #  Sleep if there is no available slot.
+    for defconfig in defconfigs:
+        while not slots.add(defconfig):
+            while not slots.available():
+                # No available slot: sleep for a while
+                time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
+        indicator.inc()
+    # wait until all the subprocesses finish
+    while not slots.empty():
+        time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
+    print ''
+    # wait until the reformat tool finishes
+    reformat_process.communicate()
+    if reformat_process.returncode != 0:
+        print >> sys.stderr, '"%s" failed' % REFORMAT_CMD[0]
+        sys.exit(1)
+def main():
+    parser = optparse.OptionParser()
+    # Add options here
+    parser.add_option('-j', '--jobs',
+                      help='the number of jobs to run simultaneously')
+    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+    if options.jobs:
+        try:
+            jobs = int(options.jobs)
+        except ValueError:
+            print >> sys.stderr, 'Option -j (--jobs) takes a number'
+            sys.exit(1)
+    else:
+        try:
+            jobs = int(subprocess.check_output(['getconf',
+                                                '_NPROCESSORS_ONLN']))
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+            print 'info: failed to get the number of CPUs. Set jobs to 1'
+            jobs = 1
+    gen_boards_cfg(jobs)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

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