[U-Boot] [linux-sunxi] A20-olinuxino-micro hangs in U-boot if powered from MINI-USB only.

Nikolai Zhubr n-a-zhubr at yandex.ru
Thu Dec 27 22:20:14 UTC 2018


27.12.2018 23:48, 'John S' via linux-sunxi:
>> Well, IMHO is has to do with Olimex because they designed this specific
>> circuitry, and the circuitry is such that 5V voltage constantly applied
>> to the micro-usb connector might essentially become disconnected (at the
>> board side) by programming -- if I understood it correctly.
> The software needs to be responsible for its own actions.

Sure, ideally. That's why I reported.

> Does the problem you reported occur with the Olimex image(s)?  If so it may be wise to report it to Olimex.

I can't say about Olimex images at the moment because I switched to more 
current (alternative) images and subsequently to mainline openwrt and 
the board is already mounted for intended operation. Maybe I do some 
experiments later. I'd like to clarify, I don't blame Olimex, they are 
nice. Keeping close to mainline is not always easy.

> If not, which commit or change caused it?

Again, I can't say at the moment. Not even sure if it could be fixed on 
the software side.

> BTW I read in the Olimex documentation that best practice is to power it differently than the way you mention.

Yes, that is true.
But powering through mini-usb is so wonderfully handy!

Thank you,


> John

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