Boot Over Ehternet- Linux Server to Raspberry Pis- Using U-boot

Heinrich Schuchardt xypron.glpk at
Wed Sep 16 00:43:18 CEST 2020

On 9/1/20 2:49 PM, Ahsan Zia (TAU) wrote:
> Hi All,
> I need some ideas regarding Boot Over Ehternet. I have been following the u boot document as well.
> I am attempting BoE from a Linux Server to a cluster of Raspberry Pis.
> i.e we have a Ubuntu (linux) Server with Raspbian image, the desired result is to somehow ''Mount'' the image, so that the Cluster of RPis can be booted-up using Ethernet? The image can be booted-up automatically when a new RPI is introduced into the system?
> The RPIs are Power over Ethernet, PoE hats and have Raspbian lite pre-installed. The image can be booted-up automatically when a new RPI is introduced into the system?
> Please post some ideas.
> Best Regards,
> Ahsan Zia
> Project Researcher,
> Computing Sciences, Information Technology and Communication Sciences,
> Tampere University.

U-Boot supports booting via BOOTP and NFS:

Or you can use iSCSI using U-Boot and iPXE:

But why do you need network boot if you already have Rasbian lite
pre-installed on the Raspberries?

What I would typically do in a cluster is to mount the working directory
via iSCSI and keep the operating system on the SD card. This
configuration is much more stable during OS updates then a network
drive. And using an iSCSI server (e.g. on one of the RPis) I only need
one SSD drive for the cluster.

Best regards


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