[PATCH v2 25/25] rockchip: Drop the FIT generator script
Simon Glass
sjg at chromium.org
Thu Feb 24 00:00:40 CET 2022
This is not used anymore. Drop it.
Signed-off-by: Simon Glass <sjg at chromium.org>
Changes in v2:
- Drop patches previously applied
- Add various suggestions from Alper Nebi Yasak
- Add patches to refactor binman's FIT support
Makefile | 3 -
arch/arm/mach-rockchip/make_fit_atf.py | 240 -------------------------
boot/Kconfig | 1 -
3 files changed, 244 deletions(-)
delete mode 100755 arch/arm/mach-rockchip/make_fit_atf.py
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 7a4f95b898..f0b01a8f1b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1352,9 +1352,6 @@ $(U_BOOT_ITS): $(subst ",,$(CONFIG_SPL_FIT_SOURCE))
U_BOOT_ITS := u-boot.its
-ifeq ($(CONFIG_SPL_FIT_GENERATOR),"arch/arm/mach-rockchip/make_fit_atf.py")
-U_BOOT_ITS_DEPS += u-boot
$(patsubst %,arch/$(ARCH)/dts/%.dtb,$(subst ",,$(CONFIG_OF_LIST))) > $@
diff --git a/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/make_fit_atf.py b/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/make_fit_atf.py
deleted file mode 100755
index f3224d2555..0000000000
--- a/arch/arm/mach-rockchip/make_fit_atf.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0+
-# A script to generate FIT image source for rockchip boards
-# with ARM Trusted Firmware
-# and multiple device trees (given on the command line)
-# usage: $0 <dt_name> [<dt_name> [<dt_name] ...]
-import os
-import sys
-import getopt
-import logging
-import struct
-DT_HEADER = """
- * This is a generated file.
- */
-/ {
- description = "FIT image for U-Boot with bl31 (TF-A)";
- #address-cells = <1>;
- images {
-DT_UBOOT = """
- uboot {
- description = "U-Boot (64-bit)";
- data = /incbin/("u-boot-nodtb.bin");
- type = "standalone";
- os = "U-Boot";
- arch = "arm64";
- compression = "none";
- load = <0x%08x>;
- };
-DT_END = "};"
-def append_bl31_node(file, atf_index, phy_addr, elf_entry):
- # Append BL31 DT node to input FIT dts file.
- data = 'bl31_0x%08x.bin' % phy_addr
- file.write('\t\tatf_%d {\n' % atf_index)
- file.write('\t\t\tdescription = \"ARM Trusted Firmware\";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tdata = /incbin/("%s");\n' % data)
- file.write('\t\t\ttype = "firmware";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tarch = "arm64";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tos = "arm-trusted-firmware";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tcompression = "none";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tload = <0x%08x>;\n' % phy_addr)
- if atf_index == 1:
- file.write('\t\t\tentry = <0x%08x>;\n' % elf_entry)
- file.write('\t\t};\n')
- file.write('\n')
-def append_tee_node(file, atf_index, phy_addr, elf_entry):
- # Append TEE DT node to input FIT dts file.
- data = 'tee_0x%08x.bin' % phy_addr
- file.write('\t\tatf_%d {\n' % atf_index)
- file.write('\t\t\tdescription = \"TEE\";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tdata = /incbin/("%s");\n' % data)
- file.write('\t\t\ttype = "tee";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tarch = "arm64";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tos = "tee";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tcompression = "none";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tload = <0x%08x>;\n' % phy_addr)
- file.write('\t\t\tentry = <0x%08x>;\n' % elf_entry)
- file.write('\t\t};\n')
- file.write('\n')
-def append_fdt_node(file, dtbs):
- # Append FDT nodes.
- cnt = 1
- for dtb in dtbs:
- dtname = os.path.basename(dtb)
- file.write('\t\tfdt_%d {\n' % cnt)
- file.write('\t\t\tdescription = "%s";\n' % dtname)
- file.write('\t\t\tdata = /incbin/("%s");\n' % dtb)
- file.write('\t\t\ttype = "flat_dt";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tcompression = "none";\n')
- file.write('\t\t};\n')
- file.write('\n')
- cnt = cnt + 1
-def append_conf_section(file, cnt, dtname, segments):
- file.write('\t\tconfig_%d {\n' % cnt)
- file.write('\t\t\tdescription = "%s";\n' % dtname)
- file.write('\t\t\tfirmware = "atf_1";\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tloadables = "uboot"')
- if segments > 1:
- file.write(',')
- for i in range(1, segments):
- file.write('"atf_%d"' % (i + 1))
- if i != (segments - 1):
- file.write(',')
- else:
- file.write(';\n')
- if segments <= 1:
- file.write(';\n')
- file.write('\t\t\tfdt = "fdt_%d";\n' % cnt)
- file.write('\t\t};\n')
- file.write('\n')
-def append_conf_node(file, dtbs, segments):
- # Append configeration nodes.
- cnt = 1
- file.write('\tconfigurations {\n')
- file.write('\t\tdefault = "config_1";\n')
- for dtb in dtbs:
- dtname = os.path.basename(dtb)
- append_conf_section(file, cnt, dtname, segments)
- cnt = cnt + 1
- file.write('\t};\n')
- file.write('\n')
-def generate_atf_fit_dts_uboot(fit_file, uboot_file_name):
- segments = unpack_elf(uboot_file_name)
- if len(segments) != 1:
- raise ValueError("Invalid u-boot ELF image '%s'" % uboot_file_name)
- index, entry, p_paddr, data = segments[0]
- fit_file.write(DT_UBOOT % p_paddr)
-def generate_atf_fit_dts_bl31(fit_file, bl31_file_name, tee_file_name, dtbs_file_name):
- segments = unpack_elf(bl31_file_name)
- for index, entry, paddr, data in segments:
- append_bl31_node(fit_file, index + 1, paddr, entry)
- num_segments = len(segments)
- if tee_file_name:
- tee_segments = unpack_elf(tee_file_name)
- for index, entry, paddr, data in tee_segments:
- append_tee_node(fit_file, num_segments + index + 1, paddr, entry)
- num_segments = num_segments + len(tee_segments)
- append_fdt_node(fit_file, dtbs_file_name)
- fit_file.write(DT_IMAGES_NODE_END)
- append_conf_node(fit_file, dtbs_file_name, num_segments)
-def generate_atf_fit_dts(fit_file_name, bl31_file_name, tee_file_name, uboot_file_name, dtbs_file_name):
- # Generate FIT script for ATF image.
- if fit_file_name != sys.stdout:
- fit_file = open(fit_file_name, "wb")
- else:
- fit_file = sys.stdout
- fit_file.write(DT_HEADER)
- generate_atf_fit_dts_uboot(fit_file, uboot_file_name)
- generate_atf_fit_dts_bl31(fit_file, bl31_file_name, tee_file_name, dtbs_file_name)
- fit_file.write(DT_END)
- if fit_file_name != sys.stdout:
- fit_file.close()
-def generate_atf_binary(bl31_file_name):
- for index, entry, paddr, data in unpack_elf(bl31_file_name):
- file_name = 'bl31_0x%08x.bin' % paddr
- with open(file_name, "wb") as atf:
- atf.write(data)
-def generate_tee_binary(tee_file_name):
- if tee_file_name:
- for index, entry, paddr, data in unpack_elf(tee_file_name):
- file_name = 'tee_0x%08x.bin' % paddr
- with open(file_name, "wb") as atf:
- atf.write(data)
-def unpack_elf(filename):
- with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
- elf = file.read()
- if elf[0:7] != b'\x7fELF\x02\x01\x01' or elf[18:20] != b'\xb7\x00':
- raise ValueError("Invalid arm64 ELF file '%s'" % filename)
- e_entry, e_phoff = struct.unpack_from('<2Q', elf, 0x18)
- e_phentsize, e_phnum = struct.unpack_from('<2H', elf, 0x36)
- segments = []
- for index in range(e_phnum):
- offset = e_phoff + e_phentsize * index
- p_type, p_flags, p_offset = struct.unpack_from('<LLQ', elf, offset)
- if p_type == 1: # PT_LOAD
- p_paddr, p_filesz = struct.unpack_from('<2Q', elf, offset + 0x18)
- if p_filesz > 0:
- p_data = elf[p_offset:p_offset + p_filesz]
- segments.append((index, e_entry, p_paddr, p_data))
- return segments
-def main():
- uboot_elf = "./u-boot"
- fit_its = sys.stdout
- if "BL31" in os.environ:
- bl31_elf=os.getenv("BL31");
- elif os.path.isfile("./bl31.elf"):
- bl31_elf = "./bl31.elf"
- else:
- os.system("echo 'int main(){}' > bl31.c")
- os.system("${CROSS_COMPILE}gcc -c bl31.c -o bl31.elf")
- bl31_elf = "./bl31.elf"
- logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG)
- logging.warning(' BL31 file bl31.elf NOT found, resulting binary is non-functional')
- logging.warning(' Please read Building section in doc/README.rockchip')
- if "TEE" in os.environ:
- tee_elf = os.getenv("TEE")
- elif os.path.isfile("./tee.elf"):
- tee_elf = "./tee.elf"
- else:
- tee_elf = ""
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "o:u:b:t:h")
- for opt, val in opts:
- if opt == "-o":
- fit_its = val
- elif opt == "-u":
- uboot_elf = val
- elif opt == "-b":
- bl31_elf = val
- elif opt == "-t":
- tee_elf = val
- elif opt == "-h":
- print(__doc__)
- sys.exit(2)
- dtbs = args
- generate_atf_fit_dts(fit_its, bl31_elf, tee_elf, uboot_elf, dtbs)
- generate_atf_binary(bl31_elf)
- generate_tee_binary(tee_elf)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- main()
diff --git a/boot/Kconfig b/boot/Kconfig
index ae1a37ae92..1ae5b3a793 100644
--- a/boot/Kconfig
+++ b/boot/Kconfig
@@ -280,7 +280,6 @@ config USE_SPL_FIT_GENERATOR
string ".its file generator script for U-Boot FIT image"
- default "arch/arm/mach-rockchip/make_fit_atf.py" if SPL_LOAD_FIT && ARCH_ROCKCHIP
default "arch/arm/mach-zynqmp/mkimage_fit_atf.sh" if SPL_LOAD_FIT && ARCH_ZYNQMP
Specifies a (platform specific) script file to generate the FIT
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