[ELDK] Version U-Boot
yel_yahc at etud.insa-toulouse.fr
Thu Apr 8 10:30:13 CEST 2010
In my board I had Linux 2.6.27 it works correctly with U-Boot 1.2, I try
now to mount 2.6.32.denx with ELDK root file system with U-Boot 1.2 that I
already configured,
> Most boards will compile, but some may show runtime issues. U-Boot
> 1.2.0 is very, very old (more than 3 years or 12 releases), and there
> are many places in the code where for example no accessor functions
> are used to access device registers - with better optimizing compilers
> this is known to be a cause for trouble.
> You better use recent code instead - upgrade to U-Boot v2010.03.
Yes I verified, I have console, null, zero and much other nodes, I'm
blocked from yesterday in this part, when I run my script in minicom of
NFS, the Booting Image appears the .dtb follows and just after it hangs.
>> 2- When I mount my root file system via NFS my console hangs with the
>> Warning Unable open an initial console, I looked to FAQ questions, and
>> you
>> talk about /dev and scripts (FIXOWNER & MAKEDEV) things that I did but
>> nothing I also check again my .config and nothing I had the some
> "Unable open an initial console" means that the kernel cannot find the
> "/dev/console" entry in your root file system. Check if the file
> exists. Check if you can see it when mounting the root file system
> from another Linux box.
Should I update the root file system, perhaps something was delete, if
it's a good idea how can have my root file system in ELDK without removing
ELDK and reinstall?
Best regards,
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