Thoughts on code line length

Kever Yang kever.yang at
Tue Jun 2 04:09:02 CEST 2020

Hi Tom,

     Didn't check the update for, but my point for code line

length is:

     Warning is necessary for 80 characters exceed, so author and reviewer

can notice it, but it's case by case, if this is reasonable, it's OK to 
exceed 80

characters for better readability.


- Kever

On 2020/6/1 下午9:23, Tom Rini wrote:
> Hey all,
> As I see tech sites are noting that Linus has changed the kernel's code
> style to no longer be so strict about 80 character line width, I figured
> I should say something here given how much we follow the Linux kernel
> anyhow.
> Given that we've long told people to ignore checkpatch for dts files,
> and to not split error messages anyhow, and that it's more about "does
> the code read well", I think this is a good change that we'll pick up
> with our next re-sync of  I figured over the weekend I
> would grab Simon's checkpatch series today, but I'll wait a day or two
> and sync it to v5.7 release before grabbing.
> I think this is a good change overall given the amount of times I've had
> to reduce readability slightly (and use odd variable names) to not
> exceed 80 characters on a line by just a few.

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